The Grave of Franklin Pierce. By Rachael
Franklin Pierce for Kids
Franklin Pierce (1804-1869)
Jane Means Appleton Pierce (1806-1863) Wife
•Franklin Pierce (1836) Died in infancy.
•Frank Robert Pierce (1839-1843)
•Benjamin Pierce (1841-1853)

Franklin Pierce (Photo gallery)
•Born: November 23, 1804, Hillsborough, NH.


•Married Jane Means Appleton of Amherst Massachusetts on November 19, 1834.
She was 28 and he was 29 years old. She died on December 2, 1863.

•Franklin Pierce, Born: February 2, 1836. Died: February 5, 1836.
•Frank Robert Pierce, Born: August 27, 1839. Died of Typhus. November 14, 1843.
•Benjamin Pierce, Born: April 13, 1841. Died in a train accident, January 6, 1853.


•Franklin Pierce died on October 8, 1869 at 4:40 am in Concord, NH.
He is buried in the Old North Cemetery in Concord, NH.
Read Franklin Pierce's obituary. See his grave close up.

Franklin Pierce's Parents
•Father: Benjamin Pierce, (1757-1839) Revolutionary War hero, hero in the War of 1812, two term governor of New Hampshire.  Franklin drew off his fathers political experience as he was campaigning for president.
•Mother: Anna Kendrick (1769-1838)

See a postcard from the Pierce Homestead.
See the Pierce Manse.

NH Info

This page was created by Miss Fiske, Mrs.Latina and their 1999-2000 4th grade class at Amherst Street School, Nashua, NH.
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